In its easy length and lugubrious air, The Secret in Their Eyes is redolent of David Fincher's Zodiac . Beyond the similar mood and expansive plot, The Secret in Thier Eyes, like its American predecessor, concerns itself more with the wearying quest for justice and those left to cope with loss after violence than the violence itself. Of course, 1970's Argentina was a very different place than Northern California. The murder and rape at the center of the The Secret in Their Eyes take place in 1974, apparently during the brief presidency of Isabel Martinez Peron (not to be confused with Juan Peron's second wife, Eva). The "Dirty War," which would claim thousands of Argentines in its madness, was just on the horizon. But the environment was already starting to turn poisonous. Prosecuting inspector Benjamin Esposito gets called to the scene of the ghastly crime, muttering all the wa...