Kelly Reichardt does not go easy on her characters. Or her actors, for that matter. Audiences, accustomed to much more in terms of plot, resolution and the blatantly obvious, might well count themselves among the ill-used after sitting through one of Ms. Reichardt's half dozen feature films. All the same, the uncompromising Reichardt continues to solidify her place among the best American writers and directors. The three main characters in her latest film, the certain women in question, must take their small satisfactions where they can find them. For those of us watching the proceedings, there is 107 minutes of beauty and subtlety, the like of which one could hardly find elsewhere. I could have watched this film had it extended hours beyond its appointed running time. As she is wont to do, Kelly Reichardt expanded upon short stories in creating her latest film, Certain Woman. The stories in this case drawn fr...