So, you want to be an artist? Let Inside Llewyn Davis be a lesson to you. Are you ready to watch lesser talents succeed where you fail? Ready to watch the money cascade on the seemingly undeserving while you can barely pay your bills (or can't at all)? More daunting yet, you might find out that for all your commitment, your integrity, for all the deep feeling you have for that art at which you toil, you simply aren't talented enough to succeed, to produce the great work. And if things are going particularly badly, you might be haunted by an orange tabby cat, as is the case with struggling folk singer Llewyn Davis (Oscar Isaac). This is not the first time that Joel and Ethan Coen have touched upon themes of art versus commerce, of cultural divides, as they have ranged around in location, subject and genre during their thirty years of filmmaking. Nor is this their first period piece grounded in American roots music. What is different at this p...